10 June 2013
The Taranaki community flocked to Taranaki Base Hospital to get a sneak preview of the sparkling new hospital during the Public Open Day on Saturday.
Around 2000 men, women and children lined up to be first to see the new theatre suite, children’s ward and surgical ward before staff and patients move in, and they were not disappointed.
New Plymouth West Rotarians escorted endless groups through the new build keeping crowds moving as smoothly as possible.
Staff from each ward and theatre were greeting the groups and giving them the low down on their area, answering many questions and sharing as many of the improvements and features they could.
Chief Executive Tony Foulkes said there was an overwhelming response. “It was fantastic to see the enthusiasm from the community. We have had incredibly positive feedback.”
“People were asking when they could ‘check in’ because it looked so great! And some thought it was wonderful but they hoped they never needed to see it again!”
“It was wonderful for the staff who gave up their time to be able to proudly show off their new hospital. They are very excited about how much better it will be for them and most importantly for their patients.”
“We are also very thankful to the Rotarians who gave up their day to support us and help make this such a successful Open Day,” said Mr Foulkes.
Comments were aplenty as people left the Open Day: “It’s gorgeous.” “So beautiful.” “Brilliant.” “Something for us all to be proud of.” “Lovely for staff and a treat for patients.” “Thank you for letting us in!”
For more information please call
Sue Carrington
Media Adviser
Ph 021 367 789